Working through an Umbrella Ltd Co
If you are providing your services through an Umbrella Company, all correspondence, agreements and contracts will be with that company, who we will engage with directly. However, we will of course keep you advised of the status of such actions and we will ask you to counter-sign the Contract Schedule as the ‘Authorised Personnel’.
Otherwise the operation is the same as for Limited Companies, but you will of course have to communicate your hours/days worked, expenses etc to your Umbrella Company, so they can raise the correct invoice to our Accounts Dept. (unless they opt for self-billing, in which case we will do this for them). We pay your Umbrella Limited Company weekly, directly in to their bank account.
Your Umbrella Company will be able to offer you information and advice on the Agency Regulations and what it means for you to Opt-Out of them. More information is available here.