Documents Required (Ltd Companies)
To set your company up on our accounts system and get you started we need you to supply us with the following documents:
Signed Contract Schedule for the Supply of Services
We will send you a standard Agreement for the Supply of Services along with a Contract Schedule that is specific to your particular assignment. This needs to be checked, counter-signed by a Director of your Ltd Co and returned to us. If your contract is subsequently extended you will receive only a Schedule which you should handle in the same way.
Proof of Identity and Right to Work in the UK
To comply with regulations we need to retain proof of identity of all our contractors and ensure that they are entitled to work in the UK. You will be required to supply us with proof of your identity and right to work in the UK; most people send us a copy of their UK passport but a full list of documents which are acceptable as proof of I.D. can be found here.
Certificate of Incorporation and VAT Registration Certificate
We must have seen a copy of your Certificate of Incorporation and (if applicable) a copy of your VAT Registration before we can set up your Payment Account. You can either send photocopies in the post to us with your Agreement, fax them to us on 01483 301222 or scan and email them to your Account Manager.
Copies of Qualifications
We will ask to see proof of your relevant academic, vocational or professional qualifications. If relevant this may also include any relevant licenses or certifications required for your assignment.
We may also need to take up references from previous employers, since some of our Clients insist on this as part of our agreement with them.
Bank/Building Society Details
We will ask you to confirm your bank or building society information on a Starter Form to ensure you are set up to be paid correctly.