Contractor Payroll
Our highly experienced payroll team use the latest software, coupled with robust internal procedures, to efficiently payroll hundreds of contractors, every week, without a hitch. Whether you work through your own Limited Company or through an Umbrella Company, our payroll team are committed to ensuring you are paid on time, week in, week out, with the minimum of fuss.
We pay Contractors on a weekly basis using the BACS system.
To make your contracting life as easy and simple as possible our payroll team also offer:
- ‘Self-Billing‘ for our Limited Company contractors
- An Online Timesheet Portal, utilising secure digital approval signatures
- Text / Email alerts if we’re outstanding your weekly timesheet
- Email remittance slips
Although we are not allowed to formally advise on financial issues such as tax planning, pensions etc. we can introduce you to several accounting companies, that we have checked out, that deal exclusively with Limited Company contractors, some of which even set up limited companies for free!
We already have established Terms of Business with many of the most established and reputable Umbrella Limited Companies, which should again save you time when starting to contract through us.
Payroll Procedures
Once we’ve received all of the required documents from yourself, you will be sent an e-mail containing a username and password to enable you to log into our Payroll Portal. Once logged in, you can enter the days/hours worked into the relevant timesheet, which will then be submitted to your line manager to authorise online.
We have created a timetable below detailing how and when payment will be made.
- Friday: Contractor enters days/hours worked into an online timesheet.
- Monday: Line Manager authorises timesheet by 5pm on Monday
- Tuesday: Payroll is processed, payment is sent via BACS.
- Wednesday: Invoices/Remittances are sent out via e-mail (if you use our self-billing service)
- Friday: Payment reaches Ltd Co. bank account, usually by 12 noon
[Required documents include: Limited Company Certificate of Incorporation; Ltd Co. VAT Certificate; Ltd Co. Bank Account; Proof of ID / Right to work in the UK; Signed Contract, Next of Kin Details; National Insurance Number; Copies of any specified qualifications]
To save you time and negate the risk of invoices not matching timesheets, potentially delaying payments, we can automate the production of your invoices to us, known as ‘self-billing’. We do this by generating an invoice based on your authorised timesheets.
If you are interested in using this free service, please let us know and we will send out a Self-Billing Agreement.