Contingency Search and Networking
The process of database searching ‘does what it says on the tin’ but for us, it’s about providing you with value and speed of delivery. Once we have a complete understanding of your requirement, our team will utilise the resources at their disposal to identify your next top talent.
Agencies across the world will shout and scream about the number of candidates registered on their database. Size isn’t everything we say – check out the quality!
At Technology Resourcing, we specialise in our chosen sectors, each maintaining a largely unique register of candidates built on word of mouth referrals. Of course, this is supplemented by advertising on internet job sites, relevant trade journals, professional institutes and the local / national press, but it’s these personal contacts with the top industry talent that helps us identify the right individual to join your business.
Our most valued source of applicants remains word of mouth referrals from Candidates and Clients who have enjoyed our refreshingly open and honest service.