Tech Recruitment Services
Just as you are specialists in your particular field so are we in ours. We deliver highly focused, full-spectrum recruitment solutions, which are tailored to your specific business needs and recruitment workflow, leaving you to concentrate on your core business.
When taking on a new assignment we agree with you the most appropriate and effective resourcing strategy depending on your requirements (Permanent staff, Contractors, Associates, Independent Consultant or Interim Managers) and taking account of the skill-set sought, numbers and urgency. Whatever we agree, through intelligent conversation and a thorough understanding of your needs, we will then deliver a targeted, cost effective solution to meet your needs, deploying one (or a tailored combination) of the following approaches:
Regardless of the method of recruitment we utilise, you can be assured of a professional and highly effective recruitment solution you can rely upon, time and time again.
Permanent Staff appointments
Whether you are recruiting an individual or need to set up a whole new team we have the ability and resource to handle the entire recruitment process, using one or a mix of the services outlined above. We recruit from professional grades right up to senior management and Exec. level appointments, but, for the avoidance of doubt, we do not recruit semi/un-skilled personnel, or trades.
Contract assignments
Our consultants are experienced in supplying either individual Contractors with critical skills or complete project teams. We ensure our Contractors have the requisite qualifications, experience and personality to fit straight into your team to be productive immediately. Most of our Contractors are hired on a traditional agency contract basis but we can also introduce Contractors to join you on a ‘direct-hire’ basis should you prefer.
We offer a bespoke recruitment service for Engineering, Programme and Management Consultancies, where we source and manage their team of Associates, which they then deploy into their clients as needed. Please see Consultancy Partnering for more detail or check out our 9 Reasons for your Consultancy to Partner with Technology Resourcing.
Independent Consultancy
Whether you need a feasibility study completed, an external audit, staff mentoring or possibly just another point of view, an Independent Consultant from Technology Resourcing may be the answer. These Consultants can work for you just a few days per week or month or on an ad-hoc basis, supplementing your in-house expertise.
Interim Managers and Executives
Given a clear brief and the requisite authority, experienced IM’s can resolve a wide array of problems and add substantial value to your business. Example remits for our IM’s have included: organisational change; setting up a programme management office; turning around an under-performing division; re-energising a project team; HR transformation; Portfolio CTO; Global COO; Tech Transformation Lead.