Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Within Technology Resourcing we share a desire, as well as a duty, to be socially responsible as we understand the social, economic and environmental impacts of all that we do. We welcome feedback from our suppliers, clients, employees and business partners on how we might further improve operational effectiveness and indeed, any positive contribution that will enhance the policy set out below.
Technology Resourcing Ltd is committed to conducting business as an ethical, fair, inclusive and environmentally conscious company and since the business was established in 1995, has constantly strived to improve all facets of the business and giving consideration to:
- Our Employees
- The Local Community
- Equal Opportunities
- Health and Safety
- Environment and Waste impact
- Energy and Transport usage
As a people business we recognise that our staff are our key assets and are offered training and development opportunities along with a structured quarterly 2 way review process to ensure that staff are supported and guided through their career progression.
We encourage staff to enjoy a healthy work-life balance and for this reason, have set up remote working to allow consultants to operate from their home location as required. To support our employees the Directors continue to strive to build an enjoyable working environment and to that end, we have invested in modern open plan office in the Technology Centre, on Surrey Research Park with ample parking, excellent local amenities and on-site cafe facilities and also home to some of the country’s highly innovative technology businesses.
We encourage open communication between all staff and to contribute towards improving the business by providing honest and constructive feedback against all our processes and practices.
Technology Resourcing values its employees and accordingly are offered a benefits package to reflect this including
- The opportunity for promotion
- Competitive basic salary
- Uncapped commission scheme and bonus scheme
- Healthcare Benefits
- Positive working environment
- IT and Administration Support
- Training and development programmes
- Social Events
Technology Resourcing work closely with the local community and are involved with a number of initiatives from Business Link, South East Innovation and Growth and networking meetings along with providing support to Surrey University to create stronger links with the local community.
Additionally, we regularly contribute financially to support:
Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity (www.gosh.org)
Great Ormond Street Hospital treats more than 90,000 patients each year – children suffering from the rarest, most complex and often life-threatening conditions. They receive the best medical care that money can buy, but the NHS funding cannot meet these ever-rising costs, and that’s where the hospital’s charity, GOSHCC, steps in. [Registered Charity no: 235825]
Health and Safety
Technology Resourcing maintains a complete Health and Safety Policy which provides a detailed framework by which we both comply with legislative requirements and seek to excel operationally to ensure that we identify any issue that could affect the welfare of our employees.
We provide and maintain a safe office environment and all services to the office are maintained by the on-site maintenance team.
All staff are aware of their obligations and are trained to uphold this policy and comply with our Health and Safety requirements.
- We understand that cars / motor vehicles are responsible for significant emissions and therefore aim to reduce their use wherever possible and therefore reducing the damage to the environment.
- We provide access to, and encourage the use of, a local car-sharing programme for our own staff.
- We also have showers and wash facilities at our Head Office and encourage staff to walk and cycle where possible.
- Where cars are used or provided (either physically or through provision of a car allowance) we encourage the use of diesel cars.
- Wherever possible we utilise public transport to conduct client and contractor visits to further reduce emissions caused by the use of motor vehicles.
To reduce negative environmental impacts, we look to minimise the quantities of raw materials used in the office and encourage both the reuse and recycling our of office materials.
We encourage individuals to send CV’s electronically and >99% of CV’s are received from candidates in this manner. We aim to create a paperless system to further reduce both the quantity of printing and copying and in line with this goal; we have implemented electronic timesheets for our contractors and electronics contracts for clients and contractors.
We recycle paper, plastics, laser cartridges and use a range of different recycling bins to assist with this.
We are well aware of the importance of reducing C02 emissions and the need to reduce the overall impact on the environment. Therefore, we aim to reduce the consumption of non-renewable fossil fuels where possible and will mitigate our consumption by:
- Reducing the temperature of the water heater.
- Turning off all monitors, computers printers and copiers at the end of every day.
- Turning off all lighting when not in use
- Utilising Flat Screen ‘energy efficient’ screens
- Minimising Air conditioner usage
- Encouraging our staff to adopt energy efficient practices in their homes