Green Procurement Policy
We are aware that many of the products and services we procure have an environmental impact, so we assign a clear preference to the purchasing of environmentally sustainable products and services. This policy is therefore intended to provide a framework for assessing and assigning environmental criteria to our procurement decisions.
Our Commitments:
We work with our suppliers to encourage the use of environmentally sustainable materials. We will seek to give preference to procuring products and services that:
- Are durable
- Can be re-used, recycled, refilled, recharged or reconditioned
- Can be easily upgraded by adding or replacing parts
- Have a recycled content
- Minimise the depletion of non renewable resources
- Minimise ecological damage, such as loss of habitats or biodiversity
- Are accredited to a recognised environmental standards
- Eliminate or minimise elements which are deemed to be hazardous to human health
- Minimise impacts on climate change
We also consider supplier locality as part a selection criteria to minimising the environmental impacts of transport and distribution.
In supplier selection we seek to balance the above environmental factors with other factors such as cost, health and safety and other relevant supply chain issues such as labour rights. Whilst recognising that there may be conflicts between these factors, we strive for the optimal balance through consultation with our stakeholders.