Charities Supported
Principal Charity
Every year we contribute a percentage of profits to charity. Our principal charity is currently:
Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity (www.gosh.org/)
Great Ormond Street Hospital treats more than 90,000 patients each year – children suffering from the rarest, most complex and often life-threatening conditions. They receive the best medical care that money can buy, but the NHS funding cannot meet these ever-rising costs, and that’s where the hospital’s charity, GOSHCC, steps in. [Registered Charity no: 235825]
Other Charities:
In addition to our annual donation to GOSH, our employee’s also complete various team and individual fundraising initiatives, with recent events including a sponsored 265km ergo-cycle from Guildford to Paris, ‘Operation Christmas Child’ and various mud runs and obstacle courses.
We also sponsor selected clients and other stakeholders in their charitable endeavors, which have recently included a 150-mile kayak marathon, the London Marathon, climbing Mont Blanc, an offroad London-Brighton cycle and an Ocean Rowing race from Barcelona to Ibiza.
We encourage our staff to support others in their local communities wherever possible, giving extra (paid) time off for things like giving blood, training for sports events, conservation days or training to coach children’s sports teams.
We are only as good as our people, so are more than pleased to support their external activities however and whenever we can.