Cleantech, Technology and Media projected to be the Highest Growth Sectors by 2020
A recent survey commissioned by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills concluded that cleantech and renewables are expected to become two of the most important sectors of the economy.
43% of the business leaders surveyed believe that cleantech will grow at the fastest pace by 2020, followed by science and technology (20%) and media and entertainment (15%).
“Cleantech and renewables will play a huge part in helping the UK economy to grow sustainably, but we need to do more to encourage innovation in these and other high tech sectors” said Science and Innovation Minister Lord Drayson. “And that means recognising our best innovators, those who are creating the household names of tomorrow”.
To this end, and to “celebrate the best British achievements in science, innovation and technology”, the government has recently launched the iawards, which plans to “shine a light on new technologies and innovations, showing how they can translate into the innovative products and services that improve our daily lives. They will stimulate commercial interest, as well as helping to bridge the gap between business and the general public”.
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